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In My Skin. Our journey with eczema.

Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. And although I am a firm believer that true beauty comes from within, I also believe that being comfortable and confident helps that inner beauty shine through! *This is my story that I’m sharing with you, which is made possible thanks to one of Canada’s leading pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and something that always used to make me feel self-conscious about my skin. Unfortunately, Parker also suffers from it. Although it’s not something either of us suffer with daily, when we do get a flare ups, they can be painful and sometimes even debilitating. Symptoms vary widely from person to person and include dry skin with patches that are red and intensely itchy.

Triggers for everyone can vary, but I often find stress and the change in the weather can be huge triggers for my personal flare ups. Last December was no exception. With the onset of the colder weather and the stress of the holidays... (especially during a pandemic!), I had one of the worst flare ups on my face in years. It was so dry and painful that it hurt to even talk. Thankfully because I know what works best to treat my flare ups, I was able to take care of it quickly and get back enjoying the holiday season.

Here are a few of the ways I try to help prevent outbreaks or keep them from getting worse:

Manage stress... easier said than done, but try your best!

Take shorter baths or showers and be sure to dry carefully.

Avoid scratchy materials... like your favourite wool sweater.

Never (never ever) use harsh soaps or detergents.

Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature or humidity.

During a flare up, it’s best not to get too hot or sweat excessively... so try to cool it a bit during your workouts.

Pay attentions to foods that may trigger symptoms and try to avoid them.

Try using a humidifier in the bedroom.

And most importantly, talk to your doctor!

Your doctor will be able to suggest treatments that may work for you. Although there is no cure for eczema, there are many treatments available and other things that we can do or lifestyle changes we can make, and exploring all our options has been so important for Parker and I. As much as I have never liked having to deal with this condition for myself, it’s even more important to me that I teach Parker the best ways he can manage and take care of his symptoms as he grows up... so he always feels comfortable and happy in his skin, just like I’ve learned to be too. #inyourskin #ad

Although this post is sponsored, all opinions and views are my own. Information was also gathered from and for more background, visit the Eczema Society of Canada site.


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